Privacy Policy

Avenue Chiett Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

PLCOSMETIC (the "Company") establishes and discloses the following privacy policy to protect personal information of users and handle related grievances promptly and smoothly.


Article 1 (Purpose of Processing Personal Information)

The Company processes personal information for the following purposes.

Processed personal information will not be used for any purpose other than the following, and if the purpose of use changes, necessary related measures will be implemented, such as obtaining separate consent.

  1. Website member signup and management

Personal information is processed for purposes of confirming membership intention, identifying and verifying one’s identity to sign up for membership services, maintaining and managing membership qualifications, preventing illegal use of services, receiving and confirming consent of legal representatives when processing personal information of children under 14.

  1. Provision of goods or services

Personal information is processed for the purpose of delivering goods, providing services, sending contracts and bills, providing content, providing personalized services, personal authentication, age verification, payment and settlement of charges, and collecting bonds.

  1. Grievance handling

Personal information is processed for the purpose of identifying the complainant, checking the complaint, contacting and notifying the results of the processing, etc.


Article 2 (Processed Personal Information)

The company processes the following personal information.

  1. Website membership sign up and management

Mandatory: Name, date of birth, ID, password, address, phone number, gender, e-mail address, i-pin number

Optional: Marital status, interest

  1. Provision of goods or services

Mandatory: Name, date of birth, ID, password, address, phone number, gender, e-mail address, i-pin number, credit card number

Optional: Interest, purchase history


Article 3 (Personal Information Collection Method)

  1. If the user agrees to the collection of personal information and enters the corresponding information directly during membership sign up, relevant personal information is collected.
  1. During the consulting, personal information of the user may be collected via web pages, e-mails, faxes, and phone calls
  1. Personal information may be collected in writing at offline events.
  1. Personal information can be provided by 3rd party companies or organizations affiliated with the company, and in this case, the affiliated company must obtain consent to provide personal information from the user.
  1. Individuals under 14 must obtain consent from one’s legal representative to utilize the service.


Article 4 (Provision of Personal Information to 3rd Parties) (If applicable)

① The Company processes personal information of users only within the context of a specified scope, and provides personal information to 3rd parties only if a consent of the user or an order by a law is presented.

② The Company provides personal information to 3rd parties as the following.

- Party receiving personal information: PLCOSMETIC CO., LTD.

-Purpose of use by recipient: To establish partnership for joint events, and to issue partnership cards

- Provided personal information: Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, payment account information, credit rating

-Retention by recipient: During transaction period for card issuance


Article 5 (Processing of Personal Information and Retention Period)

① The company processes and retains personal information within the retention period, and uses personal information within the scope stipulated under the laws or within the retention and use period agreed upon when collecting personal information from users.

② Processing and retention periods of personal information are as follows:

  1. Website membership sign up and management: Until account cancellation

However, if any of the following applies, until the following ends

1) If an investigation due to a violation of the relevant law is in progress, until the conclusion of the relevant investigation

2) If the bond/debt remains due to the use of the website, until the relevant bond/debt is settled

  1. Provision of goods or services: Until the supply of goods and services ends and the payment and settlement of charges is made

However, if any of the following applies, until the following ends

1) Records concerning transactions, such as displays, advertisements, contract details, and performance under the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.

-Record of display and advertisement: 6 months

-Record of contract or contract cancellation, payment, provision of goods: 5 years

- Record of customer complaint or conflict resolution: 3 years

2) Retaining of communication confirmation data according to Article 41 of the Protection of Communications Secret Act

- Date and time of subscriber telecommunication, start and end time, counterparty subscriber number, frequency of use: 1 year

- Computer communication, Internet log record data, access tracking data: 3 months


Article 6 (Disposal of Personal Information)

① If personal information becomes unnecessary, such as the expiration of the personal information retention period and the achievement of purpose, the Company shall destroy the personal information within five days.

② If personal information retention period agreed by the user has expired or if the purpose of personal information has been achieved, the personal information shall be transferred to a separate database (DB) or stored in a different location.

③ The procedure and method of personal information destruction are as follows:

  1. Destruction procedure

The Company selects personal information to be destroyed and destroys personal information with the approval of the company's personal information protection manager.

  1. Destruction method

The company destroys personal information recorded and stored in the form of electronic files by using methods such as low-level format so records cannot be played, and destroys personal information recorded and stored in paper form using a shredder or incinerator.


Article 7 (Delegation of Personal Information Handling) (If applicable)

① To ensure fluid personal information processing, the Company delegates personal information processing work as the following:

  1. Operation of call center

-Delegator (Trustee): PLCOSMETIC

-Delegated work: Phone consultation, department and employee information, etc.

  1. A/S center operation

-Delegator (Trustee): PLCOSMETIC

-Delegated work: A/S for customer products

② In accordance with Article 25 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., the Company prohibits processing of personal information other than the purpose of performing delegated work,

③ If the details of the delegated work or trustee changes, such change will be disclosed through this privacy policy promptly.


Article 8 (Rights and Duties of Users and Legal Representatives)

① Users may exercise the following rights related to personal information protection against the company at any time:

  1. Request to view personal information

2. Request to correct errors

  1. Request to delete information
  1. Request to seize processing

② Exercising of rights under paragraph (1) can be made in writing, phone, e-mail, fax, etc. to the Company, and the Company shall implement measures promptly.

③ If a user requests correction or deletion of personal information errors, etc., the Company shall not use or provide the personal information until the correction or deletion of error is completed.

④ For individuals under 14, the exercising of right described in paragraph 1 shall be made by a legal representative or a delegate. In such case, the legal representative is granted with all rights of a user.

⑤ Users shall not violate personal information and privacy of users themselves or others handled by the Company in violation of relevant laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and the Personal Information Protection Act.


Article 9 (Installation and Operation of Automatic Personal Information Collector, and Refusal)

The Company uses \'Cookies\' to store and retrieve user information from time to time in order to provide personalized and customized services to individual users.

  1. Purpose of Cookies

Target marketing and personalized services are provided by analyzing the frequency of access and visiting hours of members and non-members, identifying user preferences and interests, tracking traces, and identifying the degree of participation in various events and number of visits

  1. Cookie refusal

Users can refuse to install Cookies. However, refusing to install Cookies may result in limitations in some services that require login.

(Setup, IE) Tools > Internet Option > Privacy > Block Sites


Article 10 (Measures to secure Safety of Personal Information)

The Company implements the following measures to secure safety of personal information.

  1. Management measure: Establishment and implementation of internal management plan, periodic employee training, etc.
  1. Technical measures: Management of access rights such as personal information processing systems, installation of access control systems, encryption of unique identification information, and installation of security programs
  1. Physical measures: Control of access to computer rooms, data storage rooms, etc.


Article 11 (Personal Information Manager)

① The Company is responsible for handling personal information, and designates the personal information protection manager and department as the following to handle complaints and damages related to personal information.

▶ Personal Information Manager

Name: Kim Jong-min

Position: Deputy Manager

Contact: <032-819-2126>, <>, <032-819-2137>

▶ Personal Information Department

Name: Sales Team

Staff in Charge: Kim Jong-min

Contact: <032-819-2126>, <>, <032-819-2137>

② Users can contact the personal information manager and department in charge of all personal information inquiries, complaints, and damage that occurred while using the Company's service (or business). The Company will answer and process inquiries submitted.


Article 12 (Personal Information Viewing)

Users can request the following departments to view personal information. The Company will endeavor to process user requests for accessing to personal information promptly.


▶ Personal Information Viewing and Checking Department

Name: Sales Team

Staff in Charge: Kim Jong-min

Contact: <032-819-2126>, <>, <032-819-2137>


Article 13 (Remedy for Infringement of Rights)

Users can contact the following institutions for damage relief and counseling for personal information infringement.

<The organization below is a separate entity from the Company. If you are not satisfied with the Company's handling of personal information complaints and damage relief, or if you need further assistance, please contact the Company>

▶ Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center (operated by the Korea Internet & Security Agency)

-Tasks: Report personal information infringement, apply for counseling


-Phone: 118

-Address: KISA, 3F, 9 Jinhueng-gil (301-2 Bitgaram-dong), Naju-si, Jeollanam-do (58324)

▶ Personal Information Conflict Mediation Committee

-Tasks: dispute settlement related to personal information, collective dispute settlement (civil resolution)


-Phone: 1833-6972

-Address: 4F, Seoul Government Office, 209, Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul (03171)

▶ Cyber Crime Investigation Team of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office: 02-3480-3573

▶ National Police Agency Cyber Terrorism Response Center: 1566-0112


Article 14 (Amendment of Privacy Policy)

① This privacy policy gains effect on August 29, 2018.

② Previous privacy policies can be viewed from the following:

- Aug. 29, 2018 - Aug. 29, 2018 Introduction